Arizona Desert Heat and Dealing with Covid-19

Carol Seymour
3 min readOct 10, 2020
Photo by Robert Murray on Unsplash

It’s now Mid- October

I’m visiting in Tucson. I came here on May 24th and I’ve only seen rain once. There has been no monsoon season this year. The daily temperature hovers around 102 every day.

OOh my, how I would love to be back in Louisiana right now, just so I can walk in the rain. I love rainy cold fall days. It moves my creative writing spirit.

I’m not writing this post just to discuss the rain. Actually I’m testing a new publication to see if they will accept my post. I hope so.

Daily Rituals

I purchased this book written by Mason Curry. He published it in 2013, so it’s fairly updated. He writes about the writing habits of over 100 artists. Im so glad that I purchased this book to read. I found out that I need to develop my own writing ritual.

Since I’m an early morning riser and I think best right after I wake up, I plan to work at writing my blog posts before noon, 6 days a week. Unlike some writers who force themselves out of bed at wee early hours, I plan to wake up naturally with the crack of dawn. Reason being, I don’t want to be all tired out while tapping into my creative mind.

So, how does one develop the momentum to routinely get out of bed each morning with all good intentions to start writing? With my strategy, I am motivated by a pep talk the night before. I’ve found that if I plan to awaken at a certain time and attempt to do certain tasks, then I will. This includes self-discipline. Only say what you mean and mean what you say. Yes!

I’m not thinking about stats, followers or payouts

At this point, I’m wanting to learn some Medium editing skills. I want to be published in the Writer’s Blokk and learn how to use some valuable tools…such as where to find the em dash. If you know, will you please let me know.

I want to set the record to publish 5 articles per week, one a day for 5 days in a row. At this stage, I don’t want to perfect anything. It’s important to train my brain to just write everyday. I think I can do this within 30 days. I’m looking for a flow and a purpose. Hemmingway always stopped his writing when he was excited about something, thus giving him a charge to begin the following day.

But where do I get my ideas from?

1. Books that I read.

2. Music

3. Inspiration from daily living

4. Movies

If you want to share your writing strategy with me, I would love to hear about it. I know that I need to provide a take-away here by encouraging my reader to write daily and creating a ritual to be successful.

Thanks for reading.



Carol Seymour

I’m a content creator, an entrepreneur, RV camper enthusiast, and I wr ite about productivity and mental health. I love connecting with like-minded people.